Technology Transfer

Members of the Department created several spin-off companies, based on technologies developed in the team, including:

 UAVS Poland manufactures UAV systems equipped with state of the art technology.

– RIOT Technologies develops project in the area of mobile robotics and mechatronics.

MONIT SHM  company carry out research and industrial projects related to non-destructive tests, structural health monitoring and quality control.

Enetech sp. z o. o. uses piezoelectric materials in active vibration damping, waste heat recovery and photovoltaics.

– Reliability Solutions transfers knowledge and modern technology in the field of maintenance engineering from science to industry.

– ReLearn transfers know-how in the area of artificial intelligence, data mining and process mining.


More information can be found here INNOAGH sp. z o.o. – portfel spółek spin-off, akademickie start-upy