• In vitro biomechanics and mechanobiology of musculoskeletal soft tissues
  • In silico biomechanics and mechanobiology of musculoskeletal soft tissues

We use different animal models and human tissues to capture many varied aspects of the tissues physiology. Computational models are particularly useful to estimate the parameters that are not measurable in any other system.


Ongoing projects:

Chemomechanical modeling of the tendon hierarchical structure subjected to freezing at the edge of the water – ice phase transition 

Project granted by the Polish National Science Centre (nr 2015/17/N/ST7/03729)


The main aim of the project is to evaluate the changes in viscoelastic properties of animal tendons, exposed to ultra-low temperatures. As a result of water anomalous thermal expansion, and subsequent water-ice phase transition during freezing-thawing protocols, a  micro-damages of tendon internal structure may occur and may change a mechanical behavior of tissue. This study combines a multiscale approach for investigation of soft tissues biomechanics by using computational (molecular dynamics) as well as experimental techniques  (SEM imaging, mechanical testing) of tissue testing.